Visitor facts LabDays Stockholm 2019
1.048 visited Swedish LabDays 2019
Visitors division by title
Swedish LabDays 2019
Laboratoriearbetare | 16,2% |
Bioanalytikere | 6,7% |
Ingenjör | 12,6% |
Inköpara | 1,2% |
Laboratoriechefer | 6,3% |
Biokemist | 1,2% |
Biologer | 0,3% |
Labbtekniker | 2,7% |
Professor | 0,6% |
Director | 10,0% |
Läkare | 0,6% |
Konsulterande ingenjör | 1,5% |
Forsäljning | 8,9% |
Försäljningschef | 10,8% |
Teniker | 1,8% |
Farmaceuter | 0,3% |
Adjunkt | 0,3% |
Forskaren | 4,5% |
Account Manager | 5,4% |
Studerende | 1,6% |
Annan | 6,3 |
Analysis | 66,7% |
Biochemistry | 23,8% |
Biotechnology | 22,6% |
Diagnostics | 23,8% |
Industry - i.a. medical and pharmaceutical | 25% |
Control and quality assurance | 29,8% |
Which product groups are of your
particular interest ?
The visitors area of employment
Sjukhus - Sjukvård | 9,1% |
Bioteknik | 13,2% |
Läkemedels industri | 12,9% |
Industri | 6,7% |
Farmaceutisk industri | 6,3% |
Livsmedelsindustrin | 2,1% |
Kemisk indusri | 3,0% |
Miljösektorn | 7,3% |
University-utbildningssektorn | 10,8% |
Annan | 28,6% |
What was you main reason for visiting Swedish LabDays ?
To visit existing suppliers | 38,6% |
To find new suppliers | 31,8% |
To buy products from some of the exhibitors | 6,8% |
To be inspired to future purchases | 52,3% |
To get a overvue of the market | 55,7% |
To meat colleagues from the industry | 12,5% |
Did you find new suppliers / partners during your visit at Swedish LabDays ?
Yes | 56,8% |
No | 39,8% |
How pleased are you with your visit at
Swedish LabDays?
Very satisfied | 29,6% |
Satisfied | 54,6% |
Dissatisfied | 15,9% |